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bp将其化工业务出售给英力士 提前实现资产剥离目标

6 月29 日消息,bp 宣布同意将其全球化工业务以50 亿美元的总价格出售给英力士。金额受限于惯常价格调整。有关人士认为,此次出售是进一步重塑bp 的战略举措,这将进一步优化bp 的资产负债表,并比原计划提前一年实现资产剥离目标。

根据协议,英力士将支付给bp 公司4 亿美元作为第一笔付款,并于交易完成时再支付36 亿美元。其余的10 亿美元将延期于2021 年3 月、4 月和5 月分三次,每次支付1 亿美元,并于2021 年6 月底前支付其余7 亿美元。受限于监管机构和其他相关批准,交易预计将于2020 年底完成。

bp 的化工业务主要专注于芳烃和乙酰两大领域,每个业务领域均拥有领先的技术和实力雄厚的生产工厂,并在亚洲增长市场上表现强劲。bp 拥有位于亚洲、欧洲和美国的共计14 家生产工厂的权益,2019 年共计生产970 万吨化工产品。

此项出售协议涵盖bp 全部的芳烃和乙酰业务,其中包括资产、技术和许可,以及其它相关资产。但bp 在德国Gelsenkirchen 和Mulheim 的化工资产因与bp 的Gelsenkirchen 炼油厂业务高度整合,故不包含在此次销售协议中。

bp 集团首席执行官陆博纳(BernardLooney )表示:“这是我们稳步重塑bp 的又一重大举措。我们的化工业务是各自领域的领先者,拥有世界一流的技术、工厂和人才。近年来,化工业务业绩不断进步并为公司创造了高竞争力的回报,目前增长潜力巨大,亦在拓展循环经济相关业务。”


本次交易涉及的业务目前在全球共有1 ,700 多名员工。交易完成后,这些员工将转入英力士公司。

陆博纳表示,“从企业战略层面讲,化工业务与bp 其他业务的交集是有限的,需要投入大量资金来发展这些业务。随着我们努力建立一个更加专注、更加一体化的bp ,我们会有与未来发展方向更加一致的其他业务机会。我们要打造一个能够在能源转型中脱颖而出并取得成功的bp 。今天签署的协议是为实现此目标所迈出的深思熟虑的又一步。”

英力士是全球领先的化学品公司,其业务遍布26 个国家,拥有逾180 个工厂,在全球拥有约22 ,000 名员工。过去20 年,英力士从bp 收购了许多业务,最为引人注目的是2005 年以90 亿美元收购了bp 的子公司Innovene ,Innovene 的主要业务包括彼时bp 的大部分化工厂和两家炼厂。

bp 集团首席财务官布赖恩•吉尔瓦(BrianGilvary )指出:“通过今天签署的协议,我们提前一年实现了150 亿美元的资产剥离目标,表明了公司资产的范围和质量。”

吉尔瓦主要负责此次与英力士公司的谈判。他补充到:“bp 与英力士公司的合作由来已久,此次签署的协议反映出我们之间的相互尊重和信任。这对双方来讲都是一个战略性的协议,双方都非常认可这些高质量的业务,从多方面来看英力士都是适合的买方。”

bp 的芳烃业务是生产精对苯二甲酸(PTA )及其前体对二甲苯(PX )的全球领导者,PTA 是生产聚酯塑料的关键原料。bp 最大的PTA 生产工厂位于中国、美国和比利时。

乙酰业务生产醋酸和醋酸酐等衍生物,在许多行业都有广泛应用。bp 在美国、英国、中国大陆、韩国、中国台湾地区和马来西亚设有多个生产基地。此次出售还将包括化工回收技术bp Infinia 和bp 在乙酰化木材开发商Tricoya 公司的相关权益。

此项协议的签署意味着,到目前为止,bp 已在2019 年和2020 年期间签署共计150 亿美元的资产剥离和其他资产处置计划,原计划是在2021 年年中实现这一目标。

bp 预计将于8 月4 日公布2020 年第二季度业绩,并将于9 月中旬举行资本市场日活动,详细阐述新的战略方向。


Today’s agreement is another deliberatestep in building a bp that can compete and succeed through the energytransition.Bernard Looney,chief executive officer

bp’s petrochemicals business is focused ontwo main businesses – aromatics and acetyls – each of which has leadingtechnology and advantaged manufacturing plants, including a strong presence ingrowth markets in Asia. In total, the businesses have interests in 14manufacturing plants in Asia, Europe and the US and in 2019 produced 9.7million tonnes of petrochemicals.

Bernard Looney, bp chief executive officersaid: “This is another significant step as we steadily work to reinvent bp.These businesses are leaders in their sectors, with world-class technologies,plants and people. In recent years they have improved performance to producehighly competitive returns and now have the potential for growth and expansioninto the circular economy.

“I am very grateful to our petrochemicals team for what they haveachieved over the years and their commitment to bp. I recognise this decisionwill come as a surprise and we will do our best to minimise uncertainty. I amconfident however that the businesses will thrive as part of INEOS, a globalleader in petrochemicals.

“Strategically, the overlap with the rest of bp is limited and itwould take considerable capital for us to grow these businesses. As we work tobuild a more focused, more integrated bp, we have other opportunities that aremore aligned with our future direction. Today’s agreement is another deliberatestep in building a bp that can compete and succeed through the energytransition.”

Gilvary, who led the negotiation with theowners of INEOS, added: “bp has had a long relationship with INEOS and thisagreement reflects the mutual respect and trust that exists between us. It is astrategic deal for both parties that recognises both the high quality of thebusinesses and that INEOS is in many ways a natural owner for them.”

bp’s aromatics business is a global leaderin the production of purified terephthalic acid (PTA), a key feedstock for themanufacture of polyester plastics, and its precursor paraxylene (PX). Thebusiness’s largest manufacturing plants are in China, the US and Belgium and itlicenses its leading PTA production technology to producers around the world.

The acetyls business produces acetic acidand derivatives such as acetic anhydride, which have uses in a wide range ofsectors. It has a diverse base with manufacturing plants in the US, the UK,China, Korea, Taiwan and Malaysia. The sale will also include related interestssuch as the chemical recycling technology bp Infinia and bp’s interest inacetylated wood developer Tricoya.

In total, the businesses included in thetransaction currently employ over 1,700 staff worldwide. These staff areexpected to transfer to INEOS on completion of the sale.

bp expects to report its second quarter2020 results on 4 August and to hold a capital markets day to set out detailsof its new strategic direction in mid-September.
